What does Myobrace address?

Myobrace is the new orthodontic approach of having no braces to straighten teeth and jaw.  

Myobrace addresses any health issues caused by misaligned teeth.  It corrects the underlying issues that cause the misalignment of teeth. Factors such as Mouth Breathing, Tongue Thrusting, incorrect swallowing, all impact the form and function of the teeth.

See if it could help your child!

Causes of crooked teeth

Did you know?

• 3 out of 4 children have crowded teeth and incorrectly developing jaws. These problems can be seen from a very early age.

• Crowded teeth, incorrect jaw development and related orthodontic problems are NOT caused by big teeth in a small jaw or hereditary factors.

• Incorrect Myofunctional Habits made up of Mouth Breathing, Reverse Swallowing, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting which all contribute to a range of related issues.

• Incorrect jaw development is generally caused by allergies, asthma and open mouth breathing.

If the underlying problems related to Myofunctional Habits and incorrect jaw development are not addressed, getting braces with or without extraction does not address the underlying causes of crooked teeth. This is why once braces are removed, the teeth usually move and start to crowd up and misalign.

It is therefore important to realise that treatment with braces just by themselves will usually require the installation of retainers for the rest of life to prevent the teeth from moving.

Soft Tissue Dysfunction

We understand that some information can be overwhelming. That is why we want to help parents understand what the causes of crooked teeth are. In children, a normal upper jaw is formed when the tongue rests in the area between the upper teeth.

When the tongue is in this position, it counteracts the pressure of the cheeks.  If the tongue is not maintained in the correct position the teeth move inward and create crooked teeth and a narrow jaw.

If the lips and tongue are not functioning correctly, the crowded teeth and jaws will then create a misaligned jaw and crooked teeth.   If the jaw shape and function are not correct, there is insufficient room for teeth in the mouth.

Some or all of these things can create other problems like anxiety, rob kids of confidence, and generally make them feel unhappy.

Correcting the problems

Myobrace appliances and training approach have been created to correct poor myofunctional habits in children by re-training the oral muscles. Here at KIDS we have the treatment to determine and address the underlying issue.  This will have the benefit of correcting the form and function of the teeth which may also result in straight teeth without the need for braces and retainers.

By re-training with Myobrace, it is possible to improve the function, form and posture for a lifetime of benefits. Of course treatment with Myobrace is non-invasive and will promote happiness and confidence in your child.

Get the right knowledge and advice from the start with your Certified Myobrace Provider here at Vacaville Dental Care.

Call us at 707-451-4100 to make an appointment for assessment.

reverse swallowing

Reverse swallowing and mouth breathing can restrict the forward growth of the jaws and face.

Growth potential is lost as a result of these poor myofunctional habits during the growing years. This results in insufficient space for the front and back teeth – including the wisdom teeth.

Correction of these myofunctional habits allow the teeth, jaws and face to reach full genetic potential, and the teeth to move into their correct position naturally.

mouth breathing

Mouth breathing is unhealthy as it puts you at higher risk of:

  • Colds
  • Tonsillitis
  • Coughs
  • Chest infections

This is because mouth breathing bypasses your body’s main air filtration system – the nose! The nose acts as an ‘air-conditioner’ that filters & humidifies the air we breathe.

When you breathe through your mouth you drag large volumes of cold, unfiltered air containing viral & bacterial matter directly into the sensitive lung passages. This increases your chance of developing colds, coughs or chest infections.

Ever notice how the back of your throat feels a little sore when you’re recovering your breath after a run? That’s because, by reflex, we breathe through our mouths when running and trying to regain our breath. This subjects the tonsils to heavy air filtration duties which they are not designed to undertake. In most cases the tonsils will become swollen and inflamed as a result – which is not a comfortable result!


In recent decades the medical and dental professions have become more aware of Sleep Disorder Breathing (SDB) acting as major contributors to a range of health problems.

In addition to having a negative impact on mood, energy levels, ability to regulate stress, behavioural problems and emotional well-being, severe sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea, have been associated with the causes of life shortening events such as heart disease or stroke.

SDB characteristically occurs when the flow of air through the nose or mouth is obstructed during sleep. While this airflow obstruction is typically caused by relaxation and poor muscle tone around the throat and jaws, there are many underlying causes of SDB.

The most common of these are chronic mouth breathing, poor diet, obesity and poor development of the jaws. Additionally, orthodontics with extractions can exacerbate breathing issues.

Normal nose breathing vs mouth breathing:

Mouth breathing is abnormal and is one of the causes of Sleep Disorder Breathing (SDB) problems. If a child breathes through their mouth the jaws will not develop forwards correctly.

Adults who have SDB will usually have underdeveloped jaws, which cause the tongue and lower jaw to restrict the airway. Therefore, it is important to re-learn to breathe correctly, through the nose, at all times so the lower jaw and tongue are held forward and the airway is kept open.

clenching and grinding

Bruxism is when you clench or grind your teeth, commonly at night.

The term clenching means tightly clamping your top and bottom teeth together, especially the back teeth. The stressful force of clenching causes pressure on the muscles, tissues and other structures around your jaw. This can lead to jaw joint disorders, jaw pain and soreness, headaches, earaches, damaged teeth and other problems. These symptoms are often collectively referred to as Temperomandibular Joint Dysfuntion or “TMJ” disorder.  

Many people who clench also grind their teeth. Grinding is when you slide your teeth over each other, generally in a sideways, back-and-forth movement. This action may wear down your teeth and be noisy enough at night to bother sleeping partners. Like clenching, grinding can lead to jaw pain and other problems.

Bruxism can be caused generally by:

  • Chronic pain (e.g. could be painful nerve in the foot, compressed inflamed disc in the spine, or a painful osteoarthritic hip)
  • Struggling to breathe through a compromised airway (sleep apnoea ie cessation of breathing for 10 seconds)
  • Life’s anxieties (stressful personal problems, discomfort with living space, etc)
  • Or even multiples of the above!

Presentation to a dentist or a doctor will be with headaches, facial pain, limited opening of the jaws, jaw noises (popping and clicking), Bruxism (grinding and clenching), worn teeth, broken teeth, night breathing disrupted by a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnoea, snoring etc.

It is important to understand that the head and the face is the monitor of the health of the body. The chewing muscles are in balance with the muscles in front of the neck and the muscles in the back of the neck. These muscles have a particular amount of activity and tone which is based on the stimulation it gets from the brain and the spinal cord (Central Nervous System). People clench, grind or both because of increased stimulation from the brain or spinal cord (Central Nervous System) which directly results from various amounts of pain, breathing dysfunction or anxiety leading to breakdown of the toughest joint in the body.

Migraine, cluster headaches, hypnic headache, morning (tension) headache in both adults and children are related to sleep apnoea and disturbed sleep.

Headaches have been found in 65% of patients with nocturnal bruxism (night time grinding).

People who grind their teeth use three times more force than a person who doesn’t, when chewing.

Bruxism happens as a subconscious activity and therefore unawareness of the activity is common. People grind their teeth more when they are on their backs and they also suffer more sleep apnoea in that position.

The basic outline of treatment is to initially treat the cause of bruxism.

The need for treating chronic pain, breathing and sleep disorders and anxiety is necessary to stop a person from bruxing.

Special orthotics/splints that are designed to maximise function and proper breathing, may have to be worn during the day and/or night. The treatment generally lasts for about 3 to 6 months. This is generally called the Phase 1 of treatment. If symptoms return then we need to go to Phase 2 of treatment that involves either orthodontics (braces, invisalign) or prosthodontic (crowns/veneers) rehabilitation.

In general practice, seven out of every ten patients improve dramatically after this treatment. If suffering from sleep disorders then the night orthotics may have to be worn for life to ensure that you continuously get the long, refreshing sleep you deserve.

temporomandibular joints (tmJ)

Headaches, facial and neck pain, and many other symptoms can be caused by Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder. These symptoms may only have started recently, or could potentially have caused discomfort for many years.

The symptoms of TMJ disorder can differ from patient to patient, making diagnosis troublesome.


Many people suffer from TMJ Disorder for years without correct diagnosis. The disorder is often not well understood by Doctors, Dentists and other health professionals.

The Temporomandibular Joints (TMJs) are the jaw joints connecting the lower jaw (mandible) to the head at the temple region. Each time you chew, talk and swallow the TM joints move and function. They are the most frequently used joints in the body.

You can locate your TM joints by pressing your fingertips immediately in front of your ear on each side of the area just in front of the ear canal. If you have TMJ disorder this may be painful and some clicking in the joint is often present.

TMJ Disorder has a wide variety of symptoms which affect the head, ears, eyes and neck.


Pain and discomfort in the head, jaw and neck are very common symptoms of TMJ Disorder. These symptoms may be resolved with very simple solutions, but often treatment can seem very complex and frustrating for both patient and Doctor. Understanding that the ‘bite’ could be the problem can be a foreign concept to many people. This field of craniomandibular dentistry has however been around for nearly a century.

Headaches, facial and neck pain, and many other symptoms can be caused by Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder. These symptoms may only have started recently, or could potentially have caused discomfort for many years.

The symptoms of TMJ disorder can differ from patient to patient, making diagnosis troublesome.


Many people suffer from TMJ Disorder for years without correct diagnosis. The disorder is often not well understood by Doctors, Dentists and other health professionals.

The Temporomandibular Joints (TMJs) are the jaw joints connecting the lower jaw (mandible) to the head at the temple region. Each time you chew, talk and swallow the TM joints move and function. They are the most frequently used joints in the body.

You can locate your TM joints by pressing your fingertips immediately in front of your ear on each side of the area just in front of the ear canal. If you have TMJ disorder this may be painful and some clicking in the joint is often present.

TMJ Disorder has a wide variety of symptoms which affect the head, ears, eyes and neck.


Pain and discomfort in the head, jaw and neck are very common symptoms of TMJ Disorder. These symptoms may be resolved with very simple solutions, but often treatment can seem very complex and frustrating for both patient and Doctor. Understanding that the ‘bite’ could be the problem can be a foreign concept to many people. This field of craniomandibular dentistry has however been around for nearly a century.