Dental Implants
You just had implant procedure done.
Whether you were put to sleep for this procedure or were only given local anesthesia, the post-operative instructions remain the same. If a local anesthetic was used to thoroughly numb the treated area, take caution not to bite or chew on your cheeks, lips and/or tongue for they may be numb for several hours following your appointment. Refrain from chewing until the numbness has completely worn off.
THE length of time you experience numbness varies, depending on the type of anesthetic you’ve received. While your mouth is numb you’ll want to be careful not to bite on your cheek, lip, or tongue. The numbness should subside within a few hours.
Discomfort following oral surgery may be most severe within the first 6 to 8 hours after surgery.
Pills for pain relief SHOULD be taken as necessary and according to instructions.
DO NOT drive or operate machinery and AVOID alcoholic beverages.
DO NOT take prescription pain medication on an empty stomach.
If pain persists, please call your dentist immediately!
In order to reduce surgical swelling, we recommend a cold compress applied to the face over the surgical site for the first 24 hours after surgery.
Apply 20 minutes on, and 10 minutes off.
If possible, elevate the head with an extra pillow during the first 2 nights after surgery to reduce swelling.
Anti-inflammatory medications, such as Ibuprofen, also help decrease swelling.
BRUISING may appear on the face during the first few days after surgery.
SWELLING may continue to increase over a 3 day period and expected to resolve the 4th day.
A gauze pack was placed on the surgical site(s) to limit bleeding while the clot forms and should be left in place for 30 to 40 minutes after you leave the office. Continue to change the gauze packs every 30 to 40 minutes if there is continual bleeding. To replace gauze, fold a clean piece into a pad thick enough to bite on. Dampen the pad and place it directly on the surgical site. Repeat if necessary.
BLEEDING should NEVER be severe.
If bleeding remains uncontrolled, please call your dentist immediately!
The mouth should be thoroughly rinsed with warm saline solution or mouthwash containing chlorhexidine after each meal to reduce the chance of infection.
Place the solution in your mouth and gently rotate your head from side to side. Please do not swish aggressively.
IF you are prescribed antibiotics, it is essential that you follow the instructions and complete the course.
After your implant surgery, you will want to eat nourishing food that can be eaten comfortably.
Soft, cool foods are the most easily tolerated. We recommend that you ONLY consume soft foods during the first 6 days to avoid food particles contaminating the wound.
AVOID popcorn, poppy seeds, sesame seeds or seeded fruits as they can get stuck and cause infection.
AVOID any food that is hard or crusty.
Fluid intake is important. Stay hydrated.
AVOID hot liquids until the numbness has worn off and the bleeding has stopped.
DO NOT smoke or drink through a straw for 72 hours following your surgery as this may dislodge the blood clot and delay healing.
After each meal, the mouth should be thoroughly rinsed with the mouthwash containing chlorhexidine prescribed by your dentist.
DO NOT eat or drink for 30 minutes after rinsing.
AFTER an implant placement, a blood clot will form in the surgical area which is an important step to the normal healing process, therefore, avoid activities that might disturb the surgical area, especially during the first 24 to 48 hours.
DO NOT rinse your mouth vigorously or probe the area with any objects, including your fingers.
Take a daily multi-vitamin with a minimum of 1000mg of vitamin C to aid in tissue healing.
If upper implants were placed, avoid blowing your nose for 2 weeks to avoid infection.
Sutures will resorb or fall out on their own unless your dentist recommends that you come back for suture removal.
It is your dentist’s goal to replace your missing tooth/teeth ASAP after the implant placement. However, doing it too early may compromise a successful healing process.
It is your dentist’s desire that your experience be as smooth and pleasant as possible. Following these instructions will assist you, but if you have concerns and/or questions about your progress, please call your dentist’s office immediately!
We encourage you to speak up if you do not like or understand some aspects of your oral care. You deserve to be heard and your dentist deserves the opportunity to listen. This is what most dentists do, and they will make considerable efforts to accomodate you.
You will be responsible for all costs incurred if you fail to follow these instructions.