Crowns &/or Bridges (Preparation)

You just had a crown &/or bridge preparation done.

Whether you were put to sleep for this procedure or were only given local anesthesia, the post-operative instructions remain the same. If a local anesthetic was used to thoroughly numb the treated area, take caution not to bite or chew on your cheeks, lips and/or tongue for they may be numb for several hours following your appointment. Refrain from chewing until the numbness has completely worn off.


The temporary placed serves very important purposes. It reduces sensitivity, prevents food and bacteria build up on the prepared tooth, and prevents the tooth from shifting or moving, which can make seating of the permanent restoration more difficult or even IMPOSSIBLE.

The temporary is placed with a cement that is designed to come off easily, so avoid chewing sticky, chewy and hard foods such as gum or taffy.

Use your toothbrush to clean the temporary as you normally do your other teeth. However, when flossing, it is best to slide the floss out below the contact rather than popping up through the contact between the temporary and the tooth next to it.

If your temporary comes off between appointments, even if there is no discomfort, slip it back on and call your dentist’s office in order to have them recement it for you. It cannot be stressed too much how important this is.


Sensitivity, especially to cold, is common while you are wearing the temporary. If you experience this, avoid extremely hot or cold foods and beverages. It is normal to have discomfort in the gums around the tooth after the numbness wears off. While there may be sensitivity to temperature and biting, any and all symptoms should only last any where from 2 days to 2 weeks.

If symptoms persist and begin to increase in intensity, please call your dentist’s office immediately!

If you appear to be hitting the temporary first, you may need to have an adjustment made.

If your gums are tender, rinse with warm salt water by dissolving 1/2 teaspoon of salt in an 8 oz. glass of warm water.

An analgesic, such as what you would take for a headache, will help to increase your comfort.

It is your dentist’s desire that your experience be as smooth and pleasant as possible. Following these instructions will assist you, but if you have concerns and/or questions about your progress, please call your dentist’s office immediately!

We encourage you to speak up if you do not like or understand some aspects of your oral care. You deserve to be heard and your dentist deserves the opportunity to listen. This is what most dentists do, and they will make considerable efforts to accomodate you.

You will be responsible for all costs incurred if you fail to follow these instructions.